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The thought of paying for replacement sash windows can be rather intimidating in the current climate of economic downturn; however, over time having properly fitted, well insulated and durable double glazed sash windows will pay for it self, as energy costs will be greatly reduced. Sash windows cost need not be a worry.
What is the payment process?
Typically, a deposit is paid at the time of ordering. When the windows are delivered and fitted, the balance is paid. Delivery can be anytime from 2 – 3 weeks onwards from having placed the order, so the money needs to be ready in the bank.
Are there any energy grants available?
There are plenty of schemes around that give up to 3,500 of government Warm Front grants to people over 65, who want to make their homes more energy efficient and healthier to live in. Having sash windows fitted that are double glazed and therefore improve draught proofing around the house may well be part of this in some counties. What type of grant funding is available depends on where you live, as England, Wales and Scotland all have similar, but not identical schemes. The first port of call is the local council, where they will either run their own Warm Front website or will have useful leaflets available.
What is the replacement sash window cost going to be?
Sash windows cost depends very much on the type of windows chosen. For example, with eco-friendly oak or pine sash windows that were made on a bespoke basis, meaning each window is individually measured, produced to the precise specifications and then fitted, the cost is likely to be higher than for off-the-peg uPVC windows that one can buy from a DIY store.
For true energy savings over time, great security features, including hinges and fittings that won’t rust and frames that won’t turn unsightly within a year of having been fitted the sash window cost will undoubtedly be higher at first. However, broken down over a number of years, paying for quality in the first instance will work out far more cost-effective over time.
Quality sash windows have at least a 5-year warranty on materials, paint or factory finish and installation. With bespoke, individually crafted windows the sash window cost will obviously depend on the size of the sash windows but may also be influenced by the amount of additional work involved to fit them. If scaffolding is needed to gain access, then this will also increase the cost.
Fitting an average new ground floor Victorian style, soft timber sliding sash window and making good on plasterwork is likely to cost around 400 to 500 pounds, but again this may depend on access to the property and where in the country the property is located.
Large cities typically attract higher sash window cost than properties located in small towns or villages, where high parking and congestion charges do not apply and therefore won’t add to the cost for the window fitters.